Berger picard



An old breed that has preserved its appearance through the ages. A picard should be medium and rustic but never heavy. The expression should be lively and alert where the characterist beard and eyebrows emphasize it all. The overall impression should be elegant both standing and moving, a winning way with gentle movements.


It is important to have a balanced mentality that makes the picard both an obvious family member but also a competent workmate. 

Picards are lively, fast and have both energy and their own thoughts of how the world should run. They need definite training and socialization but is also an incredibly family-friendly breed. The Picard with their unique personality will become your best friend in life!


Our ambition is to preserve the Picard both as a working dog but also a good familymember. Good looks and good health is qualities that gives the best conditions for a long life together.




Erika Sjöberg +46(0)70-266 38 10


Peter Sjöberg +46(0)70-627 78 15


Höglidsvägen 14

Sörberge, Sweden